Talitha Kum Zimbabwe

Human trafficking is prevalent in Zimbabwe as thousands of women, girls, children and young men fall victims to human trafficking under the guise of job opportunities and employment in Countries such as Oman and Kuwait of which will result on them being used and abused in labour and sexual exploitation (etc. The government of Zimbabwe through social media channels has reported many cases of women and girls fallen victims of human trafficking.
Mission Statement
We commit ourselves as Talitha Kum Zimbabwe to end Human Trafficking in Zimbabwe through corporation, collaboration and coordination of all interested partners and hence promote strong networking.
Core Values
1. Restoration of lost human dignity.
2. Unit and Diversity
3. Equality
4. Partnership
5. Prayer

Objectives of Talitha Kum Zimbabwe
1. To empower survivors of human trafficking through counselling, psychosocial support and Income generating projects training.
2. To disseminate correct information on the reality of human trafficking and its challenges in Zimbabwe and elsewhere through social media platforms.
3. To facilitate access to key resource systems and more in particular health care services provisions in Zimbabwe
4. To advocate on behalf of persons with little social status and more in particular survivors of human trafficking for their legal protection and justice in Zimbabwe.
5. To raise awareness on human trafficking and human rights in both urban and rural areas of where traffickers take advantage of their lack of information in Zimbabwe.
6. To Strengthen Networking with all stakeholders who share the common values of comparting human trafficking in Zimbabwe.
7. To enhance cooperation, collaboration and coordination in fostering effective anti-trafficking strategies with other interested actors in fighting human trafficking